Appfuse 1.9.* is my best favorite toolkits to develop a web application. Actually, I use it to earn my life for years. Due to my PHD thesis, I get a chance to learn the new version of Appfuse. Basically, Appfuse 2.0.x is whole new thing to me e.g., Maven, webworks al. So, I will left some note here to record something I learned. And I also hope this can be helpful to other people who want to learn the new version of Appfuse.
The fist thing to do is setup the environment. The following steps introduce the steps to install the appfuse 2.0.x. oh~ by the way, I already install the eclipse, jdk 1.6.x .. so, I will skip this part. The steps is following the quick start guide from appfuse website.
- Download and install maven
- Add an environment parameter for MAVEN_HOME
- Select an Archetype to download, here I choose "Struts 2 Modular", however I can't tell the difference between Struts 2 Modular from Struts 2 Basic. the put on the command mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.appfuse.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=appfuse-modular-struts -DremoteRepositories=
-DarchetypeVersion=2.0.2 -DartifactId=myproject change the read string to your prefer one.
- Change the database setting in the pom.xml, the setting is in the end of the xml file. change the setting to match with your environment.
- Make a project for eclipse, in command prompt mode, change the directory to the project root, using mvn install eclipse:eclipse , after this some project related file will be generated.
- Generate the classpath variable M2_REPO for by using mvn -Declipse.workspace=C:\Source eclipse:configure-workspace
- (be aware the plugin "add-maven-repo" is already DEPRECATED)
- Then, I can start to develop my project after all the step has been done.
- Answer the question about the difference between basic and modular.
- Create a scenario for user who interact with a web page to customize or configure his/her bike.