2008年5月28日 星期三

C# windows service debuging skill

Recently, I rewrite an active MQ receiver program which is written in Java using Spring Framework. Basically the Java program works very well. However, I thought, reason to rewrite this program is to unify the deployment environment and provide an automatic startup mechanism. Hence, we choose C# Windows Service as our solution to solve the problem in Java.
It is not really painful for us to move the code from Java to C#, however to debug in C# service is really painful.
I found there are three solutions to solve the debug issue:
  1. using the process attach debug method by Visual Studio [1][2]
  2. using #if (DEBUG) #else declarative [3]
  3. Run Windows Service as a console[4]
I chose the third way to debug my program, because, using console mode is most intuited for me and the code is also straightforward.

  1. Praveen Moosad, Debugging Windows Services in C# and .NET ,http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/prvn_131971/DebuggingWindowsServices02062006014001AM/DebuggingWindowsServices.aspx?ArticleID=f5db56a4-8e1f-4de3-8fe2-1168603450ba, 2006.Arcane Code, Windows Services in C#: Debugging Windows Services (part 4), http://arcanecode.wordpress.com/2007/05/24/windows-services-in-c-debugging-windows-services-part-4/, 2007.
  2. Lee Humphries, Debugging Windows Services under Visual Studio .NET, http://www.codeproject.com/KB/dotnet/DebugWinServices.aspx, 2006.
  3. Einar, Run Windows Service as a console program,http://tech.einaregilsson.com/2007/08/15/run-windows-service-as-a-console-program, 2007.
