2008年5月29日 星期四






National Tsing Hua University

Industry Engineer

Doctoral Candidate


Nation Chung Hsing University

Mechanical Engineering



Nation Chung Hsing University

Mechanical Engineering




Associate Researcher (1999/1 – 2000/10)


Project Member

Develop and customize product data management system for Yulong, a local car manufacturing company, by using SDRC Metaphase. The computer language we used in this project is C and meta language defined by Metaphase. The system is deployed into IBM DeepBlue Unix Server with 4 CPUs.

Researcher (2000/11 – 2003/3)


Project Leader

Develop a web based product data management system for small-medium enterprise. The product’s name is smePDM. smePDM includes four basic modules which are revision control, workflow management, project management, and product structure management. The product was deployed to over 25 companies in Taiwan. The source code of the product also licensed to two software companies in Taiwan. The language we used in this project is C++/VB/Asp. The tool we used in developing this product includes Visual studio, SQL server, MSMQ, and Active Directory.

Researcher (2003/11 – 2005/11)


Project Leader

Develop a web based collaboration system named as EWindow for Fusheng golf club manufacturing company. The system integrated with several third party components to establish an interactive environment for the company and their customers. The system include five modules which are feature window for multimedia product demonstration, requirement window for customer requirement collection and analysis, project window for monitor the status of OEM project, meeting window for online meeting by integrating with IBM sametime package and X window for innovation analysis by using TRIZ. The language we used in this project is Java, Javascript, JSP. The database we used in this project is Oracle and MSSQL. We also incorporate several web frameworks, such as Spring framework, Struts and ActiveMQ, to shorten the development time span.

Researcher (2005/11 – Now)


Project Leader

  • Develop a RFID mobile reader application for e-commerce. This project is a trial implementation of X project from ISTC. The main goal of this project is development a RFID application toolkit on personal mobile device. The toolkit include three major parts which are RFID mobile reader firmware, reader middleware and e-commerce application on mobile device. The language we used in this project is Visual C++/C#. The mobile device is based on HTC Dopod 818.
  • Develop a real time work in process tracking system based on UHF RFID reader. This project is an application for manufacturing company who want to let their customers can access the manufacturing status in real time manner. This project is split into three parts which are reader controller, RFID burst message processing unit and status query interface. The system also integrated with a project management system from UG. The language we used in this project is Java and several web frameworks, such as Spring framework, Struts and ActiveMQ.
  • Develop a RFID application for exhibition, This project proposes an innovation in UHF RFID system, with longer sensing distance and real-time connection to database, providing a near-ubiquitous service for exhibition industry. In addition, visitor can choose whether to reveal their basic personal information or not, by which the issues of privacy could be eliminated. A hierarchical multi-thread dispatching architecture is designed to prevent burst effects that occurs while more than 100 RFID readers running together. This project is still under development, it will be deployed in the middle September, 2008. The language we used in this project is Visual C++.Net for USB RFID reader, C# for kiosk application, and Java for RFID readers control.


  • Project Management with PERT.
  • User requirement management and analysis with UML and Unify Process.

In programming

  • Windows application development by using Visual C++/C#/Visual Basic.
  • Web application development by using Struts/Appfuse/Hibernate/Spring framework.
  • Programming with design pattern in Java/C#
