Recently, we start to use Appfuse 2.0 as our primary development platform.
Appfuse 2.0 is whole new framework to us, it's a new journey for us to complete our system.
I encounter a troublesome problem when building our prototype, due to the unfamiliar with the Maven environment. That's redeploy the war file and restart the jetty.
Well, this is a very common usage scenario in development stage. But to start the mvn with jetty:run-war is time consuming. So, I post the question to Appfuse user forum and two nice people response to me (I am very appreciate to Marc and IceMan).
To solve my problem, All I have to do is running the jetty in place with following command (this is also documented in appfuse documentation ).
mvn war:inplace
mvn jetty:run
But, when you execute mvn jetty:run, the system will report you the following message:
unable to load bean:type: class:com.opensymphony.xwork2.ObjectFactory
this is due to the duplicate class library and struts.xml
So, to deal with this problem is going to the src/main/webapp/WEB-INF folder.
Delete the lib folder and remove the struts.xml under the classes folder.
After that, you can modify the jsp file without stop the jetty.